Monday, August 18, 2008

Outflopping PirateLawyer WINS the LPRT

Blogger wouldn't let me add photos or update the last post.

So PirateLawyer won when 79os outflops Astin's A10o.

PL wins $60 and moves up the LPRT cash list. Astin goes home with $36.

3rd place goes to me InstantTragedy when my 10's are outflopped by Astin's A5. IGHN and $24 goes to my bankroll.

JoshuaCarlsen is out on the bubble when my 45os flops a 5 and turns a 5. His TP was no good.

PirateLawyer was channelling Doyle when his 10d2d suckout against RaisingCayne's AKos with a flopped 2.

I took out Alcanthang in 5th place when I outflopped his Pocket Jacks, with my LJ (Ace Queen off suit). He spent most of the time cursing the people at the bar who kept playing either Mexican Love Songs or Abba. Both made his ears bleed.

The leftovers that I didn't get from Schaubs, were given to PirateLawyer when his As10s > KsJs. A ten flopped and Schaubs was gone.

The Donkey that is LarryLuv828 left the building when his Q9os was dominated by Pirate Lawyer's Ad10d.

1 comment:

Shrike said...

Quite pleased to finally play this new glorious event. -)